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​​​​Dailey's Farm & Walk-Behind Tractors

Blitz, BCS and Grillo walk-behind tractors, related implements and accessories

Dailey's Farm and BCS Shop


  • Hiller / Furrower ​(Retail $129 our price $122​) | Fits BCS tillers
  • Hiller / Furrower ​(Retail $129 our price $79) | Fits Blitz tillers
  • ​Hiller / Furrower ​(Retail $105, our price $90​) | Fits Grillo tillers


Hiller / Furrower - Tiller mount

The Hiller/Furrower easily attaches behind any BCS or Grillo tiller attachment with a hitch pin. When installed, this accessory creates planting furrows in your seedbed. The depth of the furrow is determined by a separate adjusting shoe on the Hiller / Furrower. The wings can then be widened for hilling purposes. 

For stand-alone type hillers or ridgers, click here.